Privacy and Confidentiality Policy

The CITIZEN WATCH network will take all reasonable steps to protect the privacy and confidentiality of individuals who communicate their personal experiences and observations to us. However, we ask that you include your personal contact information so that we may contact you if we require clarification.

We assume that when you provide this information, you are giving us permission to disclose or release it to a limited number of persons within the CITIZEN WATCH network responsible for the collection and categorization of reported information.

We also assume that you are giving us permission to use your information for anonymized aggregate reporting and case examples and/or non-attributed quotes on the CITIZEN WATCH website.

Your identity [and the name of the facility or agency] will not be disclosed or released to anyone other than the above stated persons without your specific prior expressed permission.

Please contact us if you have any questions related to this Policy


This Website has been created as a public service to enhance public access to information about Alberta’s continuing care system.

Its primary purpose is to monitor and report to the public on the actions taken by responsible Ministries, regional health authorities, and operators of care housing in Alberta to implement the recommendations in the Auditor General’s Report on Seniors Care and Programs (2005). Information posted on this site is not intended to constitute legal or professional advice. It has been drawn from a number of sources and contributors.

The commentaries and perspectives posted on this site do not necessarily represent the opinions of all persons within the CITIZEN WATCH network.

We have tried to ensure this information is accurate, relevant and up to date, but it is not necessarily comprehensive or complete. Some informational reports/articles may be linked to other sites over which we have no control. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them.

The creators of this site and individuals within the CITIZEN WATCH network accept no liability whatsoever with regard to the content of information or views posted on this site.