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8th Floor, 9925-109 Street
Edmonton, AB T5K 2J8
June 21, 2005
Tel: (780) 427-4222
Fax: (780) 422-9555
Ms. Bev McKay
Box 969
Cochrane, AB T4C 1B1
Dear Ms. McKay:
Report of the Auditor General on Seniors Care and Programs
Thank you for your email of June 6, 2005. Here is a response to the questions you submitted
regarding the Report of the Auditor General on Seniors Care and Programs.
1. The estimated $750 million.
Does the estimated $750 million for long-term
No, just long-term care.
care services encompass services to long-term
care facilities AND supportive living settings?
If the estimated $750 million is specific to long-
Government subsidy plus accommodation
term care facilities, what are the sources of that
money (i.e. government subsidy + resident
accommodation fees)?
(iii) Did the audit team have sufficient information
No. See recommendation No. 3, page 34
from Health and Wellness/ RHAs to determine
of our report.
whether the estimated $750 million was spent as
intended, namely to deliver quality care services
in an effective and efficient manner?
From information provided by Health and
No. See recommendation No. 1, page 29
WellnessIRHAs, was the audit team able to
of our report.
determine exactly what resident services and care
operators are required to deliver?
2. The $15 million
What ate the sources of the $15 million to the
Government grant - Lodge Assistance
Seniors Lodge Program (government subsidy)?
Program and per client grant.
Did the audit team have sufficient information
No. See recommendation No. 8, page 49
from the Seniors Ministry/ RHAs to determine
of our report.
whether the $15 million was spent as intended,
namely to deliver quality care services in an
effective and efficient manner?
From information provided by the Seniors
No. See recommendation No. 7, page 48
Ministry/RHAs, was the audit team able to
of our report.
determine exactly what resident services and care
lodge operators are required to deliver?
3. The$l7Smillion
From information provided, was the audit team
We didn't look at this in our audit.
able to determine the number of seniors in long-
term care facilities receiving the ASB?
From information provided, was the audit team
We didn't look at this in our audit.
able to determine whether ASB funds to seniors
in long-term care facilities are deposited directly
in an account managed by the facility?
If ASB funds are held in a facility account, was
We didn't look at this in our audit.
the audit team able to determine whether an
independent audit has been conducted on this
What primary resource did the audit team use to
Both legislation and the 1995 document,
identif~'current standards for long-term care
"Basic Standards for Continuing Care
facilities? (i.e. the Nursing Homes Act and
Regulations; the 1995 document, "Basic Service
Standards for Continuing Care Centre"; Regional
The Auditor General recommended the
This will be at the discretion ofthe
"Department of Health and Wellness update the
Department to decide.
Basic Service Standards for services in long-term
care facilities." Under this recommendation, will
standards be updated in legislation/regulation OR
in the document, "Basic Service Standards for
Continuing Care Centres?"
(iii) The Auditor General recommended the
Department of Health and Wellness "improve
systems for monitoring compliance of long-term
care facilities with the Basic Service Standards."
Under this recommendation, does the Auditor
ARO5-47 XGOV response to FAIRE June21
General anticipate the improved system will
encompass an enforcement team and a
mechanism for the application of sanctions for a
pattern of non-compliance?
The separation of care (Ministry of Health and
Weliness) and accommodation (Ministry of Seniors and
Community Supports)
Did the audit team seek information to
No, just the support from legislation.
determine the government's rationale or
justification for separating out "care" from
"accommodation" for long-term care
If so, did both Ministries provide information
to this effect? If so, where might the general
public access this information?
Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. If we can be of further assistance, please
contact Lori Trudgeon, communications coordinator, at ltmdgeon(~oag.ab.caor 780-422-6655.
Yours truly,
Merwan Saher, CA
Director of Communications
File Ref: XGOV S 4504 05 ARO5-47
ARO5-47 XGOV response to FAIRE June21
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