The Ministers of Health and Wellness and Seniors and Community Supports have committed to implementing initiatives based on recommendations by the Auditor General. These initiatives are designed to “ensure services are available and accessible, emphasizing both quality of life and quality of care, and promoting independence to the extent possible.” [Alberta Government May 9th 2005 Press Release.
So that we can monitor whether government actions are translating into improved quality care and quality of life for residents, we will need your help. Please contact us to report your experiences and observations.
Here are some things you could look for as evidence of change.
More registered nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, personal care aides, therapists and others helping, monitoring, comforting and interacting with residents
More timely response to residents’ and family caregivers’ calls for assistance
Improved quality and choice of food; provision and assistance with in-between-meal snacks and fluids, and enough time and assistance to finish meals.
More baths; regular assistance with hygiene; particularly peri-care and oral care needs; less diapering and more toileting assistance
More timely assessments of and response to pain, falls or symptoms of medical problems
Regular exercising and help with mobility; routine two-hour repositioning
Residents and families being asked for input and to agree to the person’s Care Plan and being able to see or have a copy of the Care Plan; Respect for resident and family’s input
Strict limitations around the use of chemical (sedating drugs) and/or physical restraints and informed consent and agreement to restraint use or medication changes
Cooperation with, and timely response to, requests for information about your person’s
Medications, medical condition and treatments
Regular productive meetings with care team; complaints on resident care and safety issues are resolved promptly and with satisfactory results
More consideration/support for individual’s rights, personal needs and choices.
More support from, and access to attending physician and social worker
Strict adherence to good infection control practices
Renovations/upgrades to facility and rooms; more assistive devices (mechanical lifts)
No new user fees or extra charges!